This term we did a big piece of writing about Theseus and the Minotaur. First we read the book and then we started writing we used different kind of writing to make it interesting. I hope you like it :)
Theseus And The Minotaur
Many moons ago when the Gods ruled the Earth they stirred trouble within the two Kingdoms.
King Aegeus of Athens was fun and caring however King Minos of Crete is annoying and
2000 feet below King Minos’ palace, he imprisoned a monster that was half man, half bull
The beast had powerful muscles, a bulky build and a monster-like face. Its veins are
bulging- pumping and bulging. Its teeth are yellow- bloody and yellow. Its fur is dirty-
long and dirty.
In retribution for the death of Minos' son, the Athenians had to sacrifice fourteen citizens
to this terrifying Minotaur every year. Theseus, the son of King Aegeus, was an intelligent,
muscular man who loved adventures and could never resist challenge. One year, he offered
to sail to the island of Crete as one of the seven young men sent as a sacrifice. Theseus was determined to kill the Minotaur. King Aegeus felt devastated and in turmoil
about his son’s decision. He told him to fly white Sails on his return, to show the mission
has been successful.
The wind swayed through the ship’s sails as Theseus and his buddies travelled to Crete.
King Minos and Ariadne greeted the Athenians at the harbour “Time to meet your doom!”
King Minos boomed as the Athenians were pulled down to the Labyrinth, their hearts were
pounding inside them, their body’s trembling with fear.
Her eyes as yellow as honey, skin as shiny as the sun, Ariadne whose eyes do not sparkle
like sapphires and whose lips were not red as roses had fallen in love with Thesus at first
sight. ‘How can I rescue my brave handsome love from the blood thirsty beast? She thought.
What can I do… how can I… I will help you escape the Minotaur she whispered to him.
Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of string and told him to unravel it as he walked through the
maze, so he could use it as a path back to safety. Deep in the maze, the rivals stabbed each other gruesomely.POW! CRASH! SMASH! BANG! Theseus battled, defeated, and decapitated
the Minotaur. Theseus, who was exhausted but elated, escaped.
The vitors dashed like a race car to their awaiting boat. Theseus’ smile turned upside down
when Ariadne said “Remember you promised I'll be queen” As the boat carried them back
across the sea back to Athens, Theseus felt fearful and annoyed.
Half way home, they stopped on an island to collect supplies. Whilst Ariadne swam
in the water to clean off, the others were planning a cunning plan to leave her on the island.
Theseus thought, ‘maybe I should hang her over a tree as shark bait. She is not going
to be my Queen. The Athenians vanished into their boat and silently slipped away from
the shore.
Ariadne ambled cheerfully to find food for the group. The berries she collected were fresh,
delicious, tangy and busting with a rich sweetness. Yet when she returned to show the others
her produce, Theseus had vanished, her friends had vanished, everyone had vanished.
As the waves crashed and the sails creecked Theseus and his sailors got closer and closer to
home. However, he forgot to fly white sails to show his father he was safe. The sails were
black like a night sky . King Aegeus seeked out to the ocean and realised his son was